Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Beaver Springs Fair Results

This year was my first time to enter my artwork at Beaver Springs Community fair. It is such a delightful small fair I highly recommend it to anyone to come and check it when it comes around for next year. Included in my post is a few of my favorite pieces I entered, so of which are available for sale or similar items like them.
In this picture I have two of my paintings: a portrait called Free Spirit and an abstract painting of a Peacock. They both placed 1st in their categories

Here's an oriental painted glass vase, it's one of my favorites because the fish I painted on it have a very fun and happy look to them.

Under the handcrafts collection category I entered a few of my hand painted antique bottles. All of which are for sale except the horse for the great price of $15 each.

This is a sculpture of a Mid Summer's Eve, it placed second to a life size cow,lol.

Another favorite of mine is the hand painted treasure boxes I make, this one here placed first.

Over all my artwork received 6 first places, 4 second places, 1 third, and 1 fourth place. And even my home grown marigolds received 1st, 3rd and 5th places.

Hope you enjoyed getting a glimpse of my artwork I entered at the fair. And hope to see you there next year. I can barely wait to get start on my projects for next year, I have loads of ideas and a year to do them in :)

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